Containers For Change

When you recycle with Containers for Change, you get a 10 cent refund for every eligible container you return.

Containers for Change has been developed as a recycling program that also offers an incentive to Australians while also positively impacting our environment and our community. Containers for Change is also supporting local communities in both metropolitan and regional areas by creating jobs, while helping the economy. 

Check with your local shire or City Council to see how you can get started in your complex.

1.         The City provides what’s needed to start collecting (a secure bin of choice)
2.         Tenants collects the eligible beverage containers
3.         Once the bin is full,  call the City to arrange a pick-up to receive refund
4.         Earn money!

If your local shire or city council don't have a procedure in place, you can still participate in this as an individual. 

There are four ways to return you containers as an individual, they can be taken to:

1. Depots (walk in or drive through to get your containers counted and refunded on the spot)
2. Bag Drops (Bags of containers can be dropped at various locations as a convenient and contact free way to recycle)
3. Reverse Vending Machines (Self-serve by inserting uncrushed containers in to an RVM and the machine will count your containers by scanning the barcode)
4. Pop-up Refund Points (Local operations organise these pop-ups at a set time and location for you to take your containers to them)


Once you’ve returned your containers, refund point operators sort them into material types before a logistics provider transports them to be processed. The containers are then prepared for recycling at the processing facility before accredited recyclers purchase the processed materials which they transform into new containers and products.

For more information, visit the Containers For Change Website here.

City of Stirling information can be found here - City of Stirling - Containers for Change.pdf