Cracks in internal apartment walls

Cracks appearing on internal walls - who is responsible for repairs?


Hairline cracks in plaster which are visible on internal apartment walls, although unsightly, can be signs of a building settling, and are nothing to worry about. The repairs and maintenance are the responsibility of the owner. They should be filled and sanded as part of preparation works for repainting, or as required. Any cracks in common areas such as foyers or stairwells will be maintained by the Strata Company (all owners).

More Information

If you suspect the cracks within your unit are more serious and should be inspected, contact your Strata Manager in the first instance. It may be necessary for the Strata Company to appoint a Building Inspector to examine any cracks and report back. Should further investigation be recommended, a Structural Engineer may then be engaged.

As a general guide of severity, if a crack appears which is large enough that you can fit your hand in, or can be seen on both external and internal wall - then you should report this as requiring urgent attention. This will most likely be a strata matter and depending on the age of the building, may be covered under the builders warranty.