Landgate's guide to the Strata Titles Act

A comprehensive guide to the Strata Titles Act

Linked below is a guide to the Strata Titles Act from Landgate. 

The information in the document is presented under the following key themes: 

  • Introduction to strata
  • How is a strata scheme structured?
  • Buying and selling
  • Stakeholders in strata
  • Running a strata titles scheme
  • What if there is a dispute
  • Creating or changing a strata titles scheme
  • Where to get assistance

Landgate_Guide-to-Strata-Titles_Revised_July 2022v1.pdf

Please note: Within the document, you are able to click on the 'previous page', 'contents' and 'next page' in the bottom left of each page. You can also click on the page numbers column in the contents to jump directly to that section.

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